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A basic vocabulary of terms that an uninformed visitor may encounter during a club meeting.
ExposureExposure is the total amount of light that hits the sensor for one frame or shot.
Altered RealityThe manipulation of photographs to create a fictional or conceptual image or photographic art. Primarily, altered reality is changing a normal photo in a creative way. The photographer can be creative by using of lines, form and colour, expressing ideas or feelings in a non-traditional style.
HaloHalos are bands of light (or dark) that follow edges in an image. They are most prominent along high contrast edges such as i.e. when the land meets the sky.
NoiseA mottled or grainy appearance in images caused by electrical fluctuations on the image sensor.
Star GroupsA promotion system supported by PSSA, which includes salon acceptances as a requirement for advancement within the club. Entering salons around the country and around the world gives you an opportunity to see how you rate in a bigger pool than just your own club. Achieving acceptances on these salons is recognition of your status as a photographer.
Shutter SpeedThe speed of your cameras shutter when a picture is taken.
SalonPhotographic salon – a competitive exhibition of photography. Salons are either National ones where only photographers from South Africa (as well as all members of PSSA worldwide) may enter or international ones where photographers from all over the world compete.
PSSAThe Photographic Society of South Africa is the officially recognised Body representing photographers in Southern Africa.It was founded in 1954 as a non-profit organization.
Pictorial PhotoThe word ‘Pictorial’ is used in photography to define the style of image produced where there is evidence of Artistic Interpretation of the subject matter by the photographer.
Depth of Field (DOF)Depth of field is a photography term that refers to how much of the image is in focus
Photovault OnlinePhotovault Online is a digital system for submission of photos for all club or salons entries
Nature PhotoNATURE photography depicts observations of natural elements from all branches of natural history. Falling within the Nature category is WILDLIFE which is defined as one or more organisms living free and unrestrained in a natural or adopted habitat.
ApertureAperture is the size of the opening in the lens.
Kiekie SafariA photographic outing arranged for Bloemfontein Camera Club members to take place on a pre-determined day and time with a brief to obtain images of specific subjects for subsequent discussion end evaluation
ISOISO refers to how sensitive a camera’s image sensor is to light.
Impala TrophyImpala points will be gained for participating in national and international salons approved by PSSA and held within the borders of South Africa.
Photojournalism PJPhotojournalism is the process of story telling using the medium of photography as your main story telling device
Bokeh EffectIt is the orbs created when lights are out of focus in an image, – the visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image, especially as rendered by a particular lens.
Exposure TriangleA relationship between aperture, shutterspeed and iso, coördinating the exposure value
AVAudiovisual (AV) means an immage possessing both a sound and a visual component
WildlifeAll Wildlife can therefore be entered in the NATURE category but all Nature cannot be entered in the WILDLIFE category. Wildlife subjects are not limited to birds and mammals. Insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea creatures and botany are also eligible wildlife subjects as long as they are not captive subjects. The main subjects must be living organisms therefore Nature landscapes are not eligible wildlife subjects. While photographs of zoo or any other animals in captivity, insects or other creatures photographed in the studio or other controlled locations are NATURE subjects they are not WILDLIFE and could not be entered in a WILDLIFE category.


BeligtingBeligting is die totale hoeveelheid lig wat ‘n kamera se sensor tref vir die neem van ‘n foto
AVAV staan vir “audio visual” en verwys na ‘n samestelling of aanbieding van klank en beeld
Beligtings-driehoek‘n Verhouding tussen die lensopening, sluiterspoed en iso wat die beligtingswaarde beïnvloed
Bokeh-effekDit is sirkels/kringe wat geskep word deur uitfokus ligte in ‘n beeld, – die visuele kwaliteit van uitfokus-gedeeltes in ‘n beeld wat veral geskep word deur ‘n spesifieke tipe lens.
Diepte van veld (DOF)Velddiepte is ‘n fotografiese term wat verwys na die hoeveelheid “in-fokus” gedeelte van ‘n beeld.
Fotojoernalisme PJ Fotojoernalisme is die gebruikmaking van fotografie as hoofmedium om ‘n storie te vertel.
Grein (Noise)Vlekkerige of korrelrige merke op ‘n beeld wat veroorsaak word deur elektriese skommelinge op die kamerasensor
HaloStralekranseffek is strepe van lig (of donker) wat op kante in ‘n beeld gevind word. Dit is veral duidelik langs kontrasterende kante soos byvoorbeeld waar die land en lug bymekaar kom.
Impala-trofeeImpalapunte wat verdien word deur deelname in nasionale- en internasionale salonne, goedgekeur deur PSSA en gehou binne die grense van SA
ISODie afkorting staan vir Internasionale Standaarde Organisasie. Fotografies verwys dit na die sensitiwiteit van ‘n kamera se digitale sensor vir lig.
Kiekie-safari ‘n Fotografie-uitstappie vir Bloemfontein Kameraklublede, gereël vir ‘n bepaalde dag en tyd met opdrag om beelde van spesifiek voorgeskrewe onderwerpe te bekom vir opvolgende bespreking en evaluering.
LensopeningDit verwys na die grootte van die opening van ‘n lens
NatuurfotoNatuurfotografie beeldwaarnemings van natuurelemente voortspruitend uit alle vertakkings van die natuurlewe. Wildlewe val binne die kategorie wat beskryf word as een of meer organisme wat vry en onbeperk in ‘n natuurlike of aangenome habitat voorkom.
Photovault OnlineDigitale sisteem om foto’s vir klubbyeenkomste & salonne in te skryf
Pikturale Foto* ‘n Pikturale foto toon 'n styl wat daarvan getuig dat die fotograaf ‘n bepaalde artistieke interpretasie daaraan probeer verleen.
PSSADie Fotografiese Vereniging van Suid-Afrika, ‘n amptelik erkende verteenwoordigende liggaam van fotograwe in Suid Afrika. Dit is gestig in 1954 as ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie.
SalonFotografiese salon – ‘n kompeterende uitstalling van fotografie. Salonne kan óf Nasionaal of Internasionaal wees. Aan Nasionale Salonne kan slegs Suid Afrikaanse fotograwe en wêreldwye lede van PSSA deelneem. Aan Internasionale Salonne kan fotograwe van die hele wêreld deelneem.
SluiterspoedDie spoed van jou kamera se sluiter (die gedeelte van jou kamera wat oop- en toegaan) tydens die neem van ‘n foto
Ster-groepe‘n Bevorderingsisteem ondersteun deur PSSA wat salonaanvaardings as ‘n voorvereiste stel vir bevordering by ‘n klub. Salon-inskrywings in SA en oor die wêreld gee geleentheid om jouself te meet in ‘n groter groep as net in eie klubverband. Verkryging van aanvaardings in hierdie salonne is ‘n erkenning van jou status as fotograaf.
Surrealistiese Foto‘n Surrealistiese foto behels die manipulasie van ‘n foto om ‘n fiktiewe of konsepsuele beeld of fotografiese kunswerk te skep. Primêr is ‘n surrealistiese beeld die verandering van ‘n normale beeld op ‘n kreatiewe manier. Die fotograaf kan lyne, vorm en kleur gebruik om idees of gevoel op ‘n nie-tradisionele manier uit te druk.
WildleweAlle wildlewe kan in die natuurkategorie ingeskryf word, maar alle natuur geld nie as wildlewe nie. Wildlewe word nie beperk tot voëls en diere nie. Insekte, reptiele, amfibieë, seekreature, en botanie sorteer ook onder die definisie vir wildlewe, met voorbehoud dat dit nie in gevangeskap verkeer nie. Die hoofonderwerp moet ‘n lewende organisme wees. Gevolglik kwalifiseer ‘n natuurlandskap nie vir wildlewe nie. Netso geld foto’s van dieretuindiere of ander diere, insekte, kreature in gevangeskap of gekontroleerde omstandighede soos ‘n ateljee, wat natuursubjekte is, nie as wildlewe nie en kan gevolglik nie in ’n wildlewekategorie ingeskryf word nie
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