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BCC grading and promotion


One Star Beginner Photographer that has never belonged to a club
To Two Star 20 Club Points with a minimum of 4 Gold or Merit Awards
To Three Star 35 Club Points with a minimum of 6 Gold or Merit Awards
To Four Star 50 Club Points, 8 Gold or Merit Awards, plus 18 Salon Points
To Five Star 80 Club Points, 12 Gold or Merit Awards, plus 50 Salon Points
To Golden Honours 150 Club Points, 200 Salon Points, and APSSA Digital
To Galaxy 150 Club Points, 400 Salon Points, and FPSSA Digital


Salon Points are scored as follows for Images
A salon acceptance (National or International) = 1 point. If a COM or medal has been acquired = 2 points.
Salon Points are scored as follows for AV's
A salon acceptance (National or International) = 2 points. If a COM or medal has been acquired = 4 points.

All gold or merit awards and club points which are attained in a specific star grading, do not get carried over to the next star grading. Only salon points will be accumulated and are carried over from one star grading to the next. For example: should a member be short 1 gold award and 3 points for a promotion to the next star grading and is awarded 2 golds and 5 points on a given club evening, the extra gold and the additional 2 points do not get carried over for credit to the higher star grading. The reason is that the image which achieved a gold has been judged on lower requirements than the next higher star group.


Een Ster Beginner fotograaf wat nog nooit aan ‘n klub behoort het nie
Na Twee Ster 20 Klub punte met ‘n minimum van 4 Goue of Meriete toekennings
Na Drie Ster 35 Klub punte met ‘n minimum van 6 Goue of Meriete toekennings
Na Vier Ster 50 Klub punte, 8 Goue of Meriete toekennings, plus 18 Salon punte
Na Vyf Ster 80 Klub punte, 12 Goue of Meriete toekennings, plus 50 Salon punte
Na Goue Ere 150 Klub punte, 200 Salon punte, & APSSA Digitaal
Na Galaxy 150 Klub punte, 400 Salon punte, & FPSSA Digitaal


Salon punte word soos volg toegeken vir beelde:
‘n Salon-aanname (Nasionaal of Internasionaal) = 1 punt. Indien ‘n COM of medalje verwerf is = 2 punte.
Salon punte word soos volg toegeken vir AV's:
‘n Salon aanname (Nasionaal of Internasionaal) = 2 punte. Indien ‘n COM of medalje verwerf is = 4 punte.

Alle goue of meriete toekennings en klub punte wat in ‘n spesifieke ster groep verwerf word, word nie oorgedra na die volgende ster groep nie. Slegs salon punte akkumuleer en word dus oorgedra vanaf een ster groep na die volgende. Byvoorbeeld, as ‘n lid slegs 1 goue toekenning en 3 punte kort om bevorder te word na ‘n volgende ster groep en by ‘n gegewe klub aand 2 goue toekennings en 5 punte verdien, word die ekstra goud en die addisionele 2 punte nie oorgedra tot krediet van die hoër ster groep nie. Die rede is dat die beeld wat ‘n goud verwerf het, beoordeel is op laer vereistes as die van die volgende hoër ster groep.

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