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Hoekom is dit nodig om ‘n beeld se formaat te verander?:
Verskeie redes o.a.

1. Fotografiekompetisies, -salonne en kameraklubs vereis, weens bepaalde tegniese omstandighede, ‘n sekere beeldformaat vir ‘n foto’s wat ingestuur word. Die tipe dataprojektor wat gebruik word kan ook die vereiste formaat dikteer.

2. In Suid–Afrika is SRGB die kleurprofiel wat gebruik word by kameraklubs en salonne.

3. Dit is meer prakties om foto’s van ‘n kleiner format via die internet te stuur. Verwerkte foto’s neem baie spasie op ‘n rekenaarhardeskyf.

Hoe word ‘n beeldformaat verander?

Alle fotoredigeringprogramme het spesifieke opsies om beelde se formaat te verander.
Die voorgestelde opvolgende stappe hiermee,
Image – Image size – Width <=1920 pixels; Height <= 1080 pixels

Huidig moet alle inskrywings aan die volgende spesifikasies voldoen:
- Maksimum van 1920 pixels op die horisontale-as
- Maksimum van 1080 pixels op die vertikale-as (Beide landskap- en portretformaat)
- Maksimum lêergrootte van 2 MB per beeld in JPEG-formaat.


Why is it necessary to resize a photo?:
Various reasons i.e

1. Photography competitions, salons and camera clubs demand a certain image format according to technical requirements when entering a photo.Certain projectors may also demand specific requirements

2. SRGB is the custom color profile being used by camera clubs and salons in South Africa.

3. It is more practical to send images in a smaller size via the internet.

4. Edited images hold much computer hard disk space.

How to resize an image?
All Image editing software have specific options available to resize an image

The Photoshop method (suggested)
Image – Image size – Width <= 1920 pixels; Height <= 1080 pixels

Currently all entered images must comply with the following specifications:
- Maximum of 1920 pixels on the horizontal axis
- Maximum of 1080 pixels on the vertical axis (Both landscape – and portrait format)
- Maximum file size of 2 MB per image in JPEG-format.

Image not found

Currently all entries must comply to the following specifications:
- Maximum horizontal axis of 1920 pixels
- Maximum vertical axis (landscape or portrait) of 1080 pixels
- Maximum file size of 2 Mb per image in JPEG format

Huidig moet alle inskrywings aan die volgende spesifikasies voldoen:
- Maksimum van 1920 pixels op die horisontale as
- Maksimum van 1080 pixels op die vertikale as (landskap en portret)
- Maksimum lêergrootte van 2 Mb per beeld in JPEG formaat.
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